Friday, March 25, 2011

malayVoice: This is addressed to one Martin Jalleh (or w...

malayVoice: This is addressed to one Martin Jalleh (or w...: "This is addressed to one Martin Jalleh (or whatever your real name is) I have seen your article here and there and decided I wou..."
This is addressed to one Martin Jalleh (or whatever your real name is)

I have seen your article here and there and decided I would not read such trash any more. This time a friend happened to send your bias set of trash and here my opinion;

You have been a frustrated old agitator for years. Malaysia gave you a place to live in and a place to work, and shit in, and have turned into an old blungling old fool. You are the most ungrateful person I have ever seen.

You have been trying to get the nonMalays to rise against the Government for some personal selfish reasons. You have metamorphosised into a fraught, canine devil as seen through your howling, cat-calls and vents.

This piece of writing, (if one cal call it writing) is another crowning effort by this pendatang.
One just cannot fathom why you are so myopic as to Anwar’s agenda. Anwar is leading the opposition for his own selfish reason, not for the people and country.
You accuse of UMNO being a spin-doctor when we are dealing with one of the biggest one of all, you.
Admittedly, we are ‘Bolehland’ AND PROUD OF IT, of what your original homeland of you, pendatang could not provide you, so you had to seek greener pastures. You have to get out of your syndrome of self-deception, delusion and denial.
You are one who cannot accept the truth, especially of Anwar affairs.
The laugh of the day, you top Tunku Abdul Aziz as a respected public figure when he is in your class. He is another old frustrated rant!

Everything is a circus for you, when the fact remains that you are the Circus Ringmaster.
You have been ranting, and raving all your life. If life is so bad in Bolehland, ever thought of moving on to your kind of heaven.
Wake up man! It is not very strange that you are always right while everything around you is wrong? Everything and everybody around you in Malaysia is wrong except you!

You are a disgrace to society and “your” kind of people you support, the posterior minded people.
Your tantrums of temper, play up of your theatrics, your low-down threats and taunts and you meandering the truth, always comes to nought.

You accuse others of being politically bankrupt when it is you reflecting a mirror image of yourself - Ever thought about it?

You being the expert in all affairs give you zero credibility and credence - Ever thought about it?

Learn to reflect!