Friday, April 15, 2011

Raja Petra Kamuruddin

To begin, RPK’s slogan to your blog “Source of Independent News” is but a laugh!!!! For his blog swears by The Most Lob-side news that is merely to promote him and his one-track mind

In response to his claim that he did not accuse and implicate Datuk Najib and Rosmah with the killing of Altantuyu;

RPK, once and for all stop being a fake, you have been a phony all your life. You cannot be counted with the rest of us Malaysians, so you had to seek an attention seeking way out – write rubbish to get into the news.

From your days at VI you have been troublesome. It was your father’s pushy influence that saw to your admission at VI never on merit. Then when you became a misfit among the brighter students, you turned into a frenzied attention-seeking maniac. And you ran into trouble at every nook and corner at school.

As an adult, your failure in life, again saw you turn into the same attention-seeking maniac. You began to hide behind the skirt of your wife to strike out al all others.

Everyone was wrong in your eyes except the failed megalomaniac in you. The history of Malaysia is wrong, Independence of Malaysia was wrong, May 13th accounts were wrong, Tun Dr Mahathir was wrong, Abdullah Badawi was wrong and then, Datuk Najib is wrong, only Raja Petra is the right.

After having dragged Najib and Rosmah through the dirt, now you declare that you never collaborated or character assassinated by publishing depredatory articles and printing doctored false photographs of the PM. (what more by a elected opposition member) What more, he went through the trouble of taking out a Statutory Declaration. What a bogus sham you are!

You are not merely a fake and a bluff but a traitor! - A traitor is one who would abandon and ditch his daughters and sons and run away to safety, to save his own neck. One who runs not wanting to fight another day but to criticise from afar! Living out of the money of others. One who saves his soul to live in comfort when financed by some greedy jealous zealot?

Next, RPK has the audacity to talk of credibility!
When his own credibility is the most dubious in Malaysia!

This fellow took so much trouble to swear and take out a Statutory Declaration to implicate Datin Rosmah with the murder of Altantuyu, which he later published.

He had abetted to accuse Rosmah of being involved in the murder by saying that ever the 'flip-flop' PM of that time had with him a report from Military Intelligence, which was in the safe hands of Khairi of the incident.

Further he had collaborated by mentioning that that the Rulers were in the know of the matter.

Having gone through so much trouble to implicate, point, imply, insinuate  and accuse Rosmah and Najib of being the “murderers” of Altantuyu, now he tries to absolve himself – so much for his credibility and honesty.

Credibility and Honesty has always been the furthest thing associated with the bluffing RPK to get into the news. He would even murder his own mother to get into the news!

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